About DIY Riot

Who am I?

Hmm, I mention that on the home page, but if you didn't read it or see it, my name is Rhi Riot (alias, obviously). I am a creative designer by trade and an avid crafter in my spare time. I live in Arizona with my daughter, boyfriend and our obnoxious (but I love them anyway) animal children.
I started this site because I like the way I do some of these crafts and I've had other people tell me that they do as well. 

I love to hear constructive feedback and welcome other crafters to share their knowledge! If you have a tutorial that you'd like to share, please contact me and I can feature you as DIY Riot's Featured Artist.

What is DIY Riot?

Well, the "Riot" is for the fun of it, as well as to "go against the grain" of the typical crafter's blog. I'm not a typical crafter. I love to tilt between super conservative and super creepy. It's incredibly fun to change your style in an instant and leaves you open to so many possibilities .

DIY Riot was originally titled "DIY CRAFT Riot" but I didn't want to limit the site to just crafts. I want to not only make a place for tutorials, but also have a site that people can find info on a number of things beyond just crafting. Tips, tutorials, products that I've found to be quite helpful or just awesome, articles by other artists and much, much more.

This blog was going to feature postings by both myself and my best friend in the world, (and also the person who inspired my to start crafting in the 1st place) Katie Tansy. 

On January 5th of 2012 the world lost the most amazing person as Katie was put to rest. This blog is dedicated to her memory and in hopes that maybe it can inspire other people to be kick ass crafters, like she inspired me to be.


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