Wow...I REALLY let this blog sit. My apologies! I've been incredibly busy and out of the loop in my crafting (you should see my craft room, it's terribly disheveled).
I want to assure everyone that this blog is not forgotten and I will be back to posting more tutorials soon.
I just recently threw a party for my mom and did all the decor in a "rustic" theme, so I'm excited on sharing my "how-to's" on some of the decor.
I also have gathered a few artists to promote, one of whom I hold in a very high regard to as a crafting genius! (She has also donated a really cool handmade gift that I need to create a prize-drawing around, more to come on that). I also have a TON of cool apps and other fun things to share with you all that I found in the last 2 years, as well as crafting/life tips.
Thanks for those of you that have stuck with this site. I see the views have increased quite dramatically in the last two years, so I really appreciate that from everyone!
Thank you all for re-pinning me on Pinterest, following me on Facebook and Twitter as well. Please feel free to add me or contact me with any questions, comments, concerns or if you'd like to be a featured crafter! I love crafting and love promoting other crafters! (Because you're all bad asses!!)
-Ciao for now-
Rhi Riot
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